Active Christians Together Sharing
If you would like to join us, please visit the Welcome Center (Connections Table) in the commons area, contact an ACTS member or add your contact information HERE and someone will reach out to get you connected. We would love for you to join us!
If you have any questions, please contact:
Betty Branscum at 636-451-3025.
ACTS has events at various times and locations through out the month. Please check the Events calendar for information on more upcoming events.
Welcome to X-Stream Kids!
CLICK HERE for ONLINE XStream Kids Corner!
All children grades Pre-K to 5th grade are invited to X Stream Kids at 9:45 am to learn about God and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. We use the "252" curriculum to dig into the Bible using art, science, games, drama, music, and video workshops.
Learn more about our X-Stream Kid’s Ministry by visiting these links:
Our strategy, Think Orange
PreK through 5th grade, 252 Basics
Nursery care is available every Sunday morning from 8:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Ages: Infant to 2 years.
Our Nursery staff provide a short lesson using Play & Worship by Group Publishing as a means to introduce the toddlers to X Stream Kids.
** We gather at the Lord's Table (communion) on the every first Sunday of every month, unless there is a scheduled change denoted with ** on the SERMON SCHEDULE PAGE. If you would prefer your child not partake in communion, please let your child’s teacher or our Director of Family Ministries (Jenny Babb) know.
For more information, please contact Jenny Babb at
The Rapids, our youth group (ages 6-12th grade), explores subjects that are relevant to the faith journey of youth grades 6-12. We provide 2 different options for this group.
The Rapids typically meets on Sunday’s but please reach out to Andrew Smola for more information. Youth (ages 12-18) AND parents are welcome to join! Food, Fun and Drinks provided for an hour and a half of ADVENTURE as we discover new trails to our faith. If you would like to attend or would like more information, email Andrew at
Stay tuned for information and dates for our spring retreat and summer mission trip! It's going to be a great experience and adventure for the youth!
** We gather at the Lord's Table (communion) on the every first Sunday of every month, unless there is a scheduled change denoted with ** on the SERMON SCHEDULE PAGE. If you would prefer your child not partake in communion, please let your child’s teacher or our Director of Family Ministries (Jenny Babb) know.
For more information, please contact Andrew Smola at
The River at Eureka has a strong tradition of confirmation spanning many decades. During the Confirmation journey, students grades 6-12 will have to opportunity to ask questions, deepen their faith, and to ultimately profess their faith in Jesus Christ.
Need more information? Please contact our Youth Director, Andy Smola at
** We gather at the Lord's Table (communion) on the every first Sunday of every month, unless there is a scheduled change denoted with ** on the SERMON SCHEDULE PAGE. If you would prefer your child not partake in communion, please let your child’s teacher or our Youth Director (Andy Smola) know.
For more information, please contact Andrew Smola at
Sunday Bread Table
If it’s your first time signing up, let me know and I can walk you through it. Additionally, if you have signed up and cannot make it that weekend, it’s your responsibility to find a replacement. It’s important that we do not miss picking up the donations.
As always, if you have any questions feel free to email Stacy.Turner@The-River.Church. You can also contact me (preferably by text) at 636.489.8658.
Stacy Turner
Youth Ministries Director
Eagle Lake Registration is Full!
Was an amazing event. We look to bring this back again next year. Keep a lookout for an update once this is scheduled.
For more information, or to register, go to
Back to school bash
This has become an annual tradition. It was great to gather with everyone to send summer off with a SPLASH of Foam. Look for this again next year.
Youth Lock-IN
We'll meet at church and take the van (time to be determined). We'll go to a small local farm and see their new farm babies, do some fishing in their lake, take the paddle boat out, and enjoy some hot dogs on the grill under the pavilion. In the evening we will head back to church for some games and movie night. After breakfast we'll attend the early service together.
Looking for additional Chaperones, Mom / Dad you want to come too?
Exact details to follow, save the date Sept 7 - 8.
Was awesome!
Anyone interested in attending (including adult leaders) can email Andrew at
Featured Events
Click Here for a look at our current featured events!
A core group of guys, headed up by our new leaders, Matt Krechel, Ryan Lewis, and Casey Wood have been working hard to discern a new vision for this important ministry to the men in our community and our church.
Be sure to 'like' the moMENtum Facebook page to stay up to date on upcoming events and opportunities to grow in your faith and to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ!
Prayer Request
To submit a prayer request CLICK HERE!
Women Of Worship
Please come join the Women of Worship. The group meets quarterly and is involved in volunteering and assisting those in need in our community. If you would like more information please visit the Welcome Center (Connections Table) in the commons area, contact a WOW member or add your contact information HERE and someone will reach out to get you connected. We would love for you to join us!
If you have any questions, please contact one of the following:
Donna Smith ( 314.420.0868
Kate Coil ( 314.226.2816
"I gotta do goes nothing...It's Day One of the rest of my life... It's Day one of the best of my life. I'm marching on to the beat of a brand new drum... the future has begun...I'm starting over ...." Matthew West from "Live Forever"
Start a new day, join WOW.
"I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare." -- C.S. Lewis
A sincere and abundant thanks to all who participated in the Women of Worship (WOW) soup event. A record amount ($809)was raised!! You are ROCKING The RIVER with your GENEROSITY.