Sermons & Worship Schedule
Please visit our Facebook page or our YouTube channel for live Sermons or to catch up on previous sermons:
** We gather at the Lord's Table (communion) on the every first Sunday of every month, unless there is a scheduled change denoted with ** above.
** We invite the Children’s Ministry participants (X-Stream Kids grades 2-5, Catalyst, & Confirmation) to participate at the Lord’s Table. If you would prefer your child not partake in communion, please let your child’s teacher or our Director of Family Ministries (Jenny Babb) know.
The God questions?
At some point, everyone wonders if God is real and if there is only one way to heaven. Even long time believers can experience seasons of doubt. We will begin 2025 with a sermon series where we will turn to the Word of God to answer some of the toughest questions that people ask about God. Maybe you’ve asked some of these same questions or have friends that have asked the same questions? This will be a great journey for believers and doubters alike.
Jan 5 “Is God Real?” Psalm 19:1-4
Jan 12 “Is the Bible True?” Proverbs 3:5-6
Jan 19 “Do All Roads Lead to Heaven?” John 14:6
Jan 26 “How Can a Good God Allow Suffering?” John 16:33
Feb 2 “Why Would a Loving God Send Anyone to Hell?” Luke 16:19-31
Feb 9 “What Will Heaven be Like?” Revelation 21:1-9
Promises. You’ve made them. We’ve received them. We’ve all seen promises broken. There is one whose promises are faithful and true-God. When God makes a promise, we can take it to the bank. This seven-week series explores the promises of God through his covenants. By understanding the Edenic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, we can more fully understand the God who has given us a new covenant and promises in Jesus.
Feb 16 “Covenant” Deuteronomy 7:6-11
Feb 23 “Covenant in the Garden” Genesis 2:16-17
Mar 2 “Covenant with Noah” Genesis 9:1-16
Mar 5 “A Call to Repentance” ASH WEDNESDAY 7 PM, Joel 2:12-13
Mar 9 “Covenant with Abraham” Genesis 12:1, 15:1-19
Mar 16 “Covenant with Moses” Exodus 19:1-9
Mar 23 “Covenant with David” 2 Samuel 7:11-13, Psalm 89:1-4
Mar 30 “The New Covenant:Jesus” Luke 22:20, Ephesians 2:11-13
Come alive
As we move towards Resurrection Sunday (Easter) we will journey slowly through Passion Week and extend the key moments of Jesus’ life over three Sundays. This slower cadence will invite us to deepen our relationship with Jesus and deepen our knowledge of the power and ability of Christ to change us completely.
April 6 “Palm Sunday: Above and Beyond” Luke 19:37-40
April 13 “Good Friday: Head Held High” Galatians 6:14
April 20 “Resurrection Sunday: The Power to Change Your Life” Philippians 3:7-11
Fueled and Aflame
Romans 12:11 (MSG) invites us to “keep yourselves fueled and aflame.” What does this look like? How can we ensure that we are fueled and aflame for Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit?
Apr 27 BAPTISM SUNDAY “God Uses Ordinary People” Luke 10:1-2
May 4 CONFIRMATION SUNDAY “Power from Heaven” Acts 1:1-8
May 11 “The Gift of Encouragement” Acts 4:34-37
May 18 “Keep on Being Filled” Eph 5:5-19
May 25 “The Holy Spirit Still Speaks” Acts 8:29-35
New Sermon Series begins on June 1st!