Crafturday scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 2023 from 9am-12pm at the River (UPSTAIRS, in the commons area). Bring your own project (quilting, crocheting, scrapbooking, painting, etc) or sign up to work on making some home-made cards. Sandy White has offered to lead us in making some beautiful cards while showing us some she has from the early 1900’s and providing us with a brief history of how this process has evolved. Pictures and cost of the card-making craft will come later as Sandy finalizes the details. No need to make reservations; come and go as you please. The only reason you would need to be there right at 9am is if you are doing the craft.
Bring a snack to share. Plates and silverware will be provided. Please call/text me if you have any questions.
Hope to see everyone there,
Renee Smola 314-517-3177