6:00am-8:30am "Ashes to Go" Join Pastor Tim at St Louis Bread Company in Eureka for a complimentary cup of coffee, a brief prayer, and the imposition of ashes on your wrist or forehead. This may be a great option on your way to work or as you are on your way to drop your children off to school.
6:00pm-6:25pm, "Ashes to Go" This will be a great option for busy families with young children; just stop by the church for a brief prayer with your family and the imposition of ashes on your forehead or wrist.
6:30 pm "Ash Wednesday Worship Service". We invite you and your family to join us for a special mid week worship service with music led by our praise team and our choir. The service will conclude with the imposition of ashes on your forehead or wrist.