Stephanie Krechel will be leading a new Life Group for young adults in their 20's and 30's. This group will begin meeting in April; dates and times to be determined after the group is formed. Here's some information about what to expect:
We live in a culture that caters to our choices. We like our options, and we enjoy the opportunity to choose our preferences. Popular psychology and human reasoning tell us to make choices based on what feels good. They encourage us, “just follow your heart.” God has given us a much better guide, however, in His Word. Unlike our fickle and untrustworthy opinions, God’s Word never changes. Its dependability has been proven through the centuries.
In The Choice Is Yours, Terrie Chappell will lead us through twelve choices that can strengthen or weaken our walk with God. Discover these important, daily decisions that will bring joy and purpose to your life!
Would you like more information? The first official group meeting is April 15th @ 11am in Room 207. The group will meet every other week beginning April 15th for 6 weeks. You can RSVP Here!
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