Women's Bible Study Series Starting Feb 25, 2018
Come join us for a women's bible study beginning Sunday, Feb 25, 2018 from 5-7pm. The bible study will meet ONCE a MONTH, on the third Sunday.
The bible study will be on “The Best Yes” By Lysa Terkeurst.
In The Best Yes, let Lysa TerKeurst help you discern the option that shapes all your other choices. Having trouble deciding which situations deserve a "yay" and which a "nay?" Are you living with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule and aching with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul? Offering Scripture-laced insights on effective decision-making, she encourages you to be honest, imaginative, focused, trusting, and humble as you discover the role God most wants you to play.
For more information, please email lifegroups@eurekaumc.org
CLICK HERE to sign up!