Online Giving!
Please CLICK HERE to complete an online commitment card for the Forever Forward Campaign
How does your support make a difference?
Your contributions to your local church have regional, national and international impact through our connectional giving system. Most of the money you give supports your local church’s work. A small portion funds regional ministries. A portion of your giving goes to the general church to fund programs nationally and internationally, agreed upon by General Conference delegates. We share the cost of these ministries, with each local church being responsible for contributing a fair portion or "apportionment."
The River at Eureka is a connectional church. We, and all other United Methodist Churches are connected and are able to contribute towards thousands of missions and ministries around the world. From instant disaster response through UMCOR to providing clean water in developing countries, the world wide ministries of the United Methodist Churches are making a difference in the lives of families and communities around the world. These world wide ministries are supported by the local church through apportionmented giving. Please view the video below for more information about apportionmented giving and how our extravagant generosity to the world wide missions of the United Methodist Church is making a huge difference in our global community!
New Feature!!!
We now have new easier ways to give! You can give through new
The River at Eureka mobile App, Web (link below) or Text (codes coming soon)!
Your donations are all secure online transactions that support the ministries of The River at Eureka. You can set up a one-time gift or on-going contribution, and view your giving history via our online portal.
You may also give during our Sunday morning worship service offering times.
2020 Ministry Budget
Our Ministry Budget is built around our 5 Core Practices:
Radical Hospitality
Passionate Worship
Intentional Faith Development
Risk-taking Missions
Extravagant Generosity
We also include Support Ministries, such as - Facilities and Property, Insurance, Utilities, and other things we need to put our Vision, Mission, and Practices into action.
CLICK HERE to modify your Legacy VANCO E-Giving account.
You can give towards the ministries and missions of The River at Eureka every time you place an order through Amazon. Click on the image to choose The River at Eureka as your charity through Amazon Smile.